Homemade Summer Sausage

Homemade Summer Sausage embodies the essence of artisanal craftsmanship and the joy of creating flavors that evoke the warmth of summer days. Picture a cylindrical masterpiece, its exterior a mosaic of cracked pepper and savory spices,


hinting at the depth of flavors within. The sausage boasts a robust aroma that fills the kitchen with a tantalizing blend of smoked meats and aromatic seasonings.


As you slice into it, the knife glides through a firm yet yielding texture, revealing a marbled interior where specks of fat promise a succulent bite. Each slice offers a mosaic of colors and textures, from the deep burgundy of the meat to the creamy white veins of fat that ensure moistness and flavor. 


Whether enjoyed as a centerpiece of a charcuterie board or savored in a simple sandwich, Homemade Summer Sausage promises to transport you to lazy summer afternoons,


where the sun kisses your skin and laughter fills the air. It’s a reminder that some of life’s greatest pleasures come from the simplest of pleasures: good food shared with loved ones.



  • 5 lb ground hamburger (no lean burger)
  • 5 Tbsp liquid smoke (found near barbecue sauce)
  • 5 Tbsp morton salt tender quick (found in dark blue bag in spice aisle)
  • 2 Tbsp coarse ground pepper
  • 2 Tbsp minced garlic
  • 2 Tbsp mustard seeds


In a large bowl, mix all ingredients with your hands like making meatloaf.
Cover and Refrigerate 24 hours.
Take out and knead one more time then make 4 (14×2 inch) logs.
Put them on a cookie sheet with 1-2 inch sides.
Bake at 300 degrees for 3 hours.
Take out and wrap in wax paper with aluminum foil around that.
Refrigerate until well chilled.
Serve by slicing and eating alone or with crackers and cheese.
When rolling logs into shape, make sure you knead the meat and form a tight log so there’s no cracks forming while baking.
Venison is very lean. This recipe needs some fat in it so use 3 lbs venison and 2 lbs hamburger.

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