To prepare The Pioneer Woman’s sausage gravy, the first step involves selecting high-quality breakfast sausage. The choice of sausage is crucial, as it sets the foundation for the flavor of the gravy.
Typically, a mild or spicy pork sausage is used, depending on personal preference. The sausage is crumbled and cooked in a skillet over medium heat until it is browned and fully cooked. As the sausage cooks,
it releases its flavorful fat, which will be used to create the gravy.
Once the sausage is browned, it is important to leave some of the rendered fat in the skillet, as this fat is essential for the gravy’s richness.
The next step is to create a roux, which is a mixture of fat and flour that serves as a thickening agent for the gravy.
- 1 pound Mild breakfast sausage
- ½ tsp garlic powder
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 3 cups milk
- ⅓ cup of all purpose flour
- Homemade or store bought biscuits
Crumble the sausage into a skillet
Fry the sausage until thoroughly cooked
Remove the sausage and set off to the side
Do not drain the fat from the pan
Add in the flour and using a whisk stir constantly
Add in the salt, pepper, garlic powder and stir well
Slowly whisk in the milk and continue to cook until the gravy thickens
Add the sausage back into the gravy and stir to combine
Let simmer for 5 more minutes
Serve over biscuits
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