Green salad

Green salads are a perfect accompaniment to a lot of meals. If you can, and not doing this already, I recommend running a small garden to keep a steady stream of simple ingredients for this kind of recipe. Healthy and full of life. Serve this with roast potatoes and a sauce plus roasted meat, yum! You could even serve this with just grilled, fried/braaied meat. What’s for certain, though, is this brings lots of life to the table.
  • 1 packet fancy lettuce.
  • 1 packet fancy lettuce
  • 1/2 punnet cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1/2 medium cucumber, sliced
  • 100 g mozzarella, cubed
  • 1/2 large green pepper, chopped
  • 2 gherkins, sliced
  • Salad dressing of your choice
Get your ingredients together. break up your lettuce into rough pieces and place it in your serving bowl or platter.
Add the rest of the ingredients, save for the dressing in a stylish way so as to make your salad appealing!
Cover with cling wrap and refrigerate until required. Drizzle your favorite salad dressing just before serving. Enjoy!

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