Best Chicken Stew ever

Prepare yourself for a culinary journey like no other with the Best Chicken Stew Ever, a comforting and soul-warming dish that will leave you craving seconds and dreaming of leftovers.


Picture tender pieces of chicken, perfectly seasoned and seared to golden perfection, nestled in a rich, flavorful broth alongside an array of hearty vegetables and aromatic herbs – a symphony of tastes and textures that is nothing short of extraordinary.

Imagine taking your first spoonful of this divine stew, the aroma of savory herbs and spices filling the air and tantalizing your senses. The chicken, juicy and succulent, practically melts in your mouth, while the vegetables, tender and flavorful, offer a satisfying crunch with every bite.


Each spoonful is a culinary adventure, with layers of flavor unfolding like a beautifully orchestrated symphony on your palate.


  • 8 chicken pieces
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 tspn jeera
  • 1 tspn garum
  • 1 tspn dhania
  • ½ tblspn paprika
  • 1 tblspn rajah curry powder
  • 1½ imana chicken flavour cubes
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1½ cups boiling water
  • 4 tblspn canola oil
  • 1 tblspn chicken spice
  • 1 tblspn knorr cream of chicken soup
  • Potatoes


Rub chicken pieces with chicken spice.
Heat oil, brown chicken both sides and set aside.
In the same pan add onion and fry until soft.
Add chicken cubes, stir. Add jeera, dhania, garum and rajah and mix well.
Add chicken pieces, paprika, carrots and cook for 5 minutes.
Cut the potatoes and put them with the other ingredients
Add water and cook for 35 minutes on medium heat.
Mix cream of chicken soup with 3 tblspns of water and add to your stew, let it simmer for 5 minutes.
Ready to serve


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