Banana & Strawberry Magnum Ice Cream


For Strawberry & Banana Ice Cream:
1 can coconut custard
1 banana (about 120g)
200g strawberries
2 Tbsp. maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
For Chocolate Coating:
150g coconut oil
50g raw cacao powder
5-6 Tbsp. maple syrup


Place all the ingredients for the ice cream into a blender and process until smooth. Taste The Mixture and add more maple Syrup if you Wish.
Pour the mixture into ice cream molds and insert wooden sticks. Freeze over 6 hours or until totally set..
Place a parchment paper on the baking sheet. Eliminate pops from the molds and put them on the pre-arranged sheet. Get back to cooler while setting up the chocolate
Place all chocolate coating ingredients in a metal mixing bowl. Melt slowly in a double boiler.
Transfer melted chocolate to a tall cup or glass. Eliminate pops from freezer and plunge each pop 6-7 times in chocolate. I suggest plunging the initial 4 pops, returning them to the freezer, then, at that point, plunging the rest. Store in the freezer until prepared to eat.




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