First, imagine succulent cuts of steak, perfectly marinated and seasoned to tantalize your senses. Each bite promises a juicy burst of flavor, enhanced by the earthy richness of garlic. As you unfold the foil packet, the aroma of grilled meat intermingled with garlic fills the air, teasing your appetite and beckoning you closer.

Now, let’s turn our attention to the potatoes, the trusty sidekick to the star of the show. They’re soft yet slightly crisp, with each morsel carrying the essence of the grill and the comforting warmth of roasted garlic.

 Inside that humble foil packet lies a culinary masterpiece waiting to be discovered. The heat of the grill works its magic, coaxing out the natural flavors of the ingredients and melding them together in perfect harmony. As the packet steams and sizzles, the juices from the steak mingle with the garlic and potatoes, creating a symphony of flavors that will leave you craving more.

 Each bite is a revelation, a testament to the power of simple ingredients combined with skillful technique.

It’s the joy of gathering around the grill with loved ones, the satisfaction of creating something delicious with your own hands, and the simple pleasure of indulging in good food.Garlic steak and potato foil packets await, ready to delight your senses and satisfy your cravings.


  • 2pounds lean sirloin steak, trimmed and cut into 2-inch chunks
  • 1 pound baby yellow potatoes, quartered or halved to your liking
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic (adjust to taste)
  • 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning (alternatively, a mix of dried oregano, thyme, and parsley)
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste

How To Make Garlic Steak & Potato Foil Packets

If you’re planning to bake these delectable foil packets in the oven, preheat it to 425°F (220°C) to ensure even cooking.

Mix & Marinate: In a generously-sized mixing bowl, combine the lean sirloin steak chunks, baby yellow potatoes, minced garlic, Italian seasoning, onion powder, olive oil, salt, and freshly ground pepper.

Packet Prep: Divide the steak and potato mixture evenly among four 12×12 inch aluminum foil sheets.

Carefully seal the contents to create neat and secure foil packets.

This ensures that the flavors are trapped inside and intensify during the cooking process.

Cooking Options:
Grilling: If you’re using a grill, place the foil packets over high heat for approximately 10 minutes on each side.

Keep a close watch to achieve your preferred level of doneness for both the steak and potatoes.

Oven: If you’re opting for baking, position the foil packets on a baking sheet and place them in the preheated oven.

Allow them to bake for about 20 minutes or until the steak and potatoes reach the desired level of tenderness.
Serve with Style: Once your foil packets are cooked to perfection, carefully open them (watch out for the steam!).

For an extra zesty touch, garnish with fresh parsley.

You can serve the dish directly from the foil or plate it up for a visually appealing presentation.

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