Boil the Bananas and Drink the Liquid Before Going to Bed

Boil the Bananas and Drink the Liquid Before Going to Bed, You’ll Be Amazed with Your Sleep!
Using just a few items that are probably already in your kitchen, you can whip up banana tea in no time! This organic banana infused sleep remedy works wonders and tastes so good.

How it works ? Bananas, especially the peels, are loaded with potassium and magnesium. Although magnesium helps prevent sleep disturbances, both magnesium and potassium work together to help relax muscles.

In fact, magnesium is one of the best minerals for relaxation! Keep in mind, this recipe calls for 100% organic bananas.

For guaranteed relaxation, our team offers you a recipe for banana tea, to drink before sleeping to get the same pleasure as a good massage.



  • An organic banana
  • 1 small pot of water
  • Cinnamon


Take the banana, cut both sides and put it in water and let it boil for 10 minutes.

And then, in a cup, pour some water and sprinkle a teaspoon of cinnamon in this delicious banana tea.

It is recommended to drink this tea an hour before going to bed.

You will be impeccably relaxed as if you had had a relaxing massage and you will wake up in very good shape in the morning.


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